Today Collin had to go to the hospital for tests to determine if he has reflux. He's been complaining that his stomach hurts quite often and at times he'd vomit. It would happen mostly in the morning and as soon as he'd say he was sick, he'd be absolutely fine the next.
We had a great nurse, her name was Donna. She told Collin everything that would happen during the test and even answered his questions about the big machines in the room. (He had an upper GI and a barrium swallow done.)
I was a bit worried that he would vomit from the barrium. It's chalky and thick and I've heard it doesn't taste good. Collin certainly proved me wrong. He took it like a champ! Donna had to leave and go to the OR, so another nurse, Heather, came in and she was just as nice. Collin even impressed the radiologist with how well he did. At times, they'd tell him to swallow, swallow, swallow like he was very thirsty. He did it! He was excited to see the black blobs on the screen which was his throat and stomach.
Collin couldn't have anything to eat or drink before the tests, so once it was done and he did so well, we went to the cafeteria at the hospital for some apple juice. We were hoping to see Aunt Chrissy there, but she had the day off. I showed him where Trevor works too. Trevor wasn't there yet, he'd get there at 11:30am. We saw Irene and she waved to us. (She's a nice lady!)
From there, we went to the gift shop where Collin requested 2 toy trucks. (One for his brother, of course). How could I say no? lol His next request was "the little gas station". Again, I bought some more junk (in 2's).
After spoiling him, I asked if he wanted to go to school. He decided he wanted to stay home. When we got home we found out that school was letting out early due to the icy weather coming. That sealed the deal! lol He couldn't wait for Corey to get home to tell him all about the tests and to show him the pics I took and to give him his prizes.
Here is my brave boy.

Donna explaining everything to Collin.

Collin wanted his picture taken to show everyone the big x-ray machine.

The lead wall that the radiologist stands behind (for his own safety).

The window that I watched from.

The tv screen that Collin could see where the barrium was going.

The barrium entering his stomach.

Collin after the tests. His lips are a chalky white from the barrium. (I love that after all of that he can still smile!)
A few hours after the tests were done, Dr. Ambani called us to let us know that the tests did not show reflux. The dr. thinks Collin's problem is due to him having a "nervous stomach" at times or that it is a psychological problem. I was hoping for answers, but relieved to know that my boy didn't have more serious problems with his stomach. We are giving him Children's Tums occassionally and we'll work on getting to the root of this problem.
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