("Live Those Songs Again", by Kenny Chesney)
So many songs have made an impact on me. Lately, my blog has been taken over by song titles, in a way (this post included!). lol Brad finds it annoying that he can say just about anything to me and I can relate it to a song. I've loved music of all types for as long as I can remember. I even had one of those little Fisher Price record players, then graduated to the Mickey Mouse record player that played real records and then I just continued from there.
Music has always been in my life. Some of my best memories of my dad were of him and his listening to music. We had a big console stereo in the living room (the one we didn't dare sit on the furniture) and he'd lie in front of it and just listen and even sing to the songs. He'd sometimes make his own 8-tracks and I remember that we were not allowed to make a sound and we had to be very still so the "quality" was not ruined. I'll never forget, and wish he still had the recording he made of me, on 8-track. I sang, "Dasher With The Light Upon His Tail", by Kitty Wells. I have that song in my collection today and when I hear it, it takes me back to that day I sang it when I was so young (5 or 6 maybe?). I remember, too, when I was a little older, that while mom and dad were at work, I'd sneak out dad's Billy Joel album ("Glass Houses") and crank the stereo and just sing, or my 12th birthday when my parents were freshly separated and dad got me the "Down Under" album by Men At Work. I still have the album and I'd be willing to bet that I still know all of the words by heart. When I still had a record player that worked, as I got older and newer songs came into my life, I'd get that album out on my birthday and play it. Sometimes, it would make me cry, but not always.
I also have vivid memories of riding the school bus and Mr. Long would allow Kerry Graver to play his portable 8-track player. Imagine, a whole bus full of grade-school kids, singing and stomping to Queen's "We Will Rock You". I can remember, too, that I enjoyed when it rained because we were allowed to bring records to school and listen to them in the classroom when we couldn't go out for recess. John Harvan and I shared a love of music and we became good friends because we shared the same interest in music.
It carried over into Jr. High when we'd have a dance and we were allowed to bring our records to school for that. I never once danced. I was always by the record player.
Of course, by now, everyone knows that I am a big Kenny Chesney fan. His song, "I Go Back", pretty much sums it all up. You hear a song and it takes you back to that moment. A song comes on the radio and you slip off, back to that time. If you've never heard it, here it is:
I think that's what originally drew me to Kenny. Most of his songs are like stories that are so easy to relate to and they're like stories put to music. Some of his songs remind me of different family members or friends or different times in my life. I have yet to hear one of his songs that I dislike. He is just amazing.
It's not just Kenny, though. There are so many artists from so many genres that I enjoy. I'll listen to just about anything. So many songs still put goosebumps on my arms when I hear them. My iPod contains quite a variety. Some are just strange, but then again, I'd bet if you looked at your friends and families' playlists, you may be surprised too!
My most recent iTunes purchase was 2 songs: "Then" by Brad Paisley (awesome song, makes me think of me and Dennis!) and "Rock Lobster" by the B-52's (a fun, and strange song).
My iPod contains (other than Kenny) some Johnny Cash, Jim Reeves, Metallica, Salt N Pepa, Bon Jovi, Keith Urban, Tom Petty, Kid Rock, Dierks Bentley, Crystal Gayle, Br5-49, Flo Rida, Blue Grass Hymns, and so much more. I won't even get into my Christmas collection...I have so so many of them!!
I like that I have so much variety in my taste of music. There are times that I just have to hear a song. It all depends on the mood I am in. I love that I can have it whenever I want it. (I swear, the iPod was the greatest invention)! It's hard for me to believe that there are people that really don't enjoy music. Some just don't. I often wonder, too, if maybe I like it a little too much? LOL
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