No, I don't mean the song by the Beatles. ;) What a day it was. So full of ups and downs. I guess I should be grateful that it wasn't just downs, that would've been horrible.
I started my day with an appointment. I had to go to the St. Luke's, Miner's Memorial Hospital in Coaldale for an ultrasound. I'm having "woman" problems right now and Dr. Miller wanted the test done to rule out or find the cause of it.
I had a "moment" while having the ultrasound done. I am quite emotional lately, and this didn't help. The U/S tech was so nice. We talked and that helped the time pass. As I was lying there with my full bladder, it took me back to the pregnant me. Remembering each pregnancy and the excitement of seeing the child growing inside of me on that little screen. That wasn't the case yesterday and it was just ackward. I told the tech that I wouldn't be looking at the screen because I am such a worry wart and I have no idea what I'm looking at and I don't want to have myself thinking that I am seeing something more than what is there. She thought that was a good idea, and even though she's not supposed to tell me, she let me know that I really shouldn't lose any sleep. ;)
We continued to talk, and I told her about my first ultrasound of my last pregnancy. I remember, on July 3, 2001, I had the ultrasound because Dr. Miller and I were concerned. This ultrasound was in Lehighton, and it was just as scary. I tried to see the screen, but it wasn't positioned so that I could see. The ultrasound seemed to be taking forever. I remember thinking that the tech was searching for a heartbeat and just couldn't find it. I waited, and waited until finally, she turned the screen my way and showed me the TWO tiny sacs. TWINS!! I cried! I laughed! I cried, and I laughed again. I couldn't wait to get out of there and tell EVERYONE! (Which is what I ended up doing!)
Ok, back to the ultrasound yesterday. Like I said previously, the tech really isn't supposed to tell me anything. She did tell me that my left ovary is up pretty high and that my (guys, turn your heads here..........) uterus is enlarged. Probably from the twin pregnancy? I will see Dr. Miller on Tuesday and we will discuss the results and where to go from here.
After my appointment, I went to pick up my boys. The youngest 3, anyway. I had dropped them off with their dad because he doesn't work all that far from the hospital. Dennis and I were both a little shocked that Brad wanted to go along, since he rarely wants to go anywhere. We're thinking maybe just knowing that Dad would be taking them to McDonald's for lunch was the reason, or maybe he is actually interested in what his dad does for a living? :) (Honestly, it could be both!)
I picked the boys up, and of course, they were quite dirty. They always get that way when they "hang with Dad". LOL We wanted to visit Memmy Hedmeck (Dennis' mom) while we were in the area, but unfortunately, she wasn't home. :( We found out when we got home that she stopped by our house while we were gone.
I wasn't sure what we were going to do last night. My nephew, Theodore, had a baseball game at 8pm. My brother, Ted, called and reminded me and that's when I decided I would go. I LOVE watching kids play baseball. Corey and Collin wanted to go along too, which was alright with me, especially since Dennis hasn't been feeling too good lately. The poor man is dealing with fatigue, backache, headache, and toothache all at the same time. He has a sick feeling in his stomach too. I feel so bad for him. :(
We were running just a little late, but we made it to the game. It really didn't matter that we were late, since the other team didn't make it on time and the game before took a bit longer. I chatted with my brother and my nephew while my boys kept pesting to go to the concession stand. This, after they had eaten several times before we even left the house. I think they just wanted the stuff because it was there. There is no way they could've been hungry and I eventually put my foot down and they stopped pesting.
I started my day with an appointment. I had to go to the St. Luke's, Miner's Memorial Hospital in Coaldale for an ultrasound. I'm having "woman" problems right now and Dr. Miller wanted the test done to rule out or find the cause of it.
I had a "moment" while having the ultrasound done. I am quite emotional lately, and this didn't help. The U/S tech was so nice. We talked and that helped the time pass. As I was lying there with my full bladder, it took me back to the pregnant me. Remembering each pregnancy and the excitement of seeing the child growing inside of me on that little screen. That wasn't the case yesterday and it was just ackward. I told the tech that I wouldn't be looking at the screen because I am such a worry wart and I have no idea what I'm looking at and I don't want to have myself thinking that I am seeing something more than what is there. She thought that was a good idea, and even though she's not supposed to tell me, she let me know that I really shouldn't lose any sleep. ;)
We continued to talk, and I told her about my first ultrasound of my last pregnancy. I remember, on July 3, 2001, I had the ultrasound because Dr. Miller and I were concerned. This ultrasound was in Lehighton, and it was just as scary. I tried to see the screen, but it wasn't positioned so that I could see. The ultrasound seemed to be taking forever. I remember thinking that the tech was searching for a heartbeat and just couldn't find it. I waited, and waited until finally, she turned the screen my way and showed me the TWO tiny sacs. TWINS!! I cried! I laughed! I cried, and I laughed again. I couldn't wait to get out of there and tell EVERYONE! (Which is what I ended up doing!)
Ok, back to the ultrasound yesterday. Like I said previously, the tech really isn't supposed to tell me anything. She did tell me that my left ovary is up pretty high and that my (guys, turn your heads here..........) uterus is enlarged. Probably from the twin pregnancy? I will see Dr. Miller on Tuesday and we will discuss the results and where to go from here.
After my appointment, I went to pick up my boys. The youngest 3, anyway. I had dropped them off with their dad because he doesn't work all that far from the hospital. Dennis and I were both a little shocked that Brad wanted to go along, since he rarely wants to go anywhere. We're thinking maybe just knowing that Dad would be taking them to McDonald's for lunch was the reason, or maybe he is actually interested in what his dad does for a living? :) (Honestly, it could be both!)
I picked the boys up, and of course, they were quite dirty. They always get that way when they "hang with Dad". LOL We wanted to visit Memmy Hedmeck (Dennis' mom) while we were in the area, but unfortunately, she wasn't home. :( We found out when we got home that she stopped by our house while we were gone.
I wasn't sure what we were going to do last night. My nephew, Theodore, had a baseball game at 8pm. My brother, Ted, called and reminded me and that's when I decided I would go. I LOVE watching kids play baseball. Corey and Collin wanted to go along too, which was alright with me, especially since Dennis hasn't been feeling too good lately. The poor man is dealing with fatigue, backache, headache, and toothache all at the same time. He has a sick feeling in his stomach too. I feel so bad for him. :(
We were running just a little late, but we made it to the game. It really didn't matter that we were late, since the other team didn't make it on time and the game before took a bit longer. I chatted with my brother and my nephew while my boys kept pesting to go to the concession stand. This, after they had eaten several times before we even left the house. I think they just wanted the stuff because it was there. There is no way they could've been hungry and I eventually put my foot down and they stopped pesting.
Since I am a facebook addict, I texted my status...a few times. Finally, there were three outs and Theo's team was up to bat. It ended up that the bases were loaded. Theo was up next. He was swinging the bat, warming up as he went towards the batter's box as I cheered him on. He was just about in position when the coach called for a time-out. I was dumbfounded. What??? The coach then had someone pinch-hit for Theo!! Pardon my "french", but WTF??? Theo was then put on the bench. :( My heart sank. You could see that Theo was upset and hurt. I was upset and hurt that they could do such a thing! My brother was fuming as well. Ironically, the boy that was to pinch-hit STRUCK OUT!!! Ok, this really ticked me off!!
My brother had enough. He went over to the dugout and asked Theo if he wanted to just leave. He didn't have to play for this team if this is how they were going to treat him. Ted asked the coach (a 19 year old) why he did that, to which his response was, "Theo doesn't perform". Ted then asked how much money they would be making if they won the game....with a cocky look and a smart mouth, the coach called my brother an idiot and told him that he knew they didn't get paid......EXACTLY!!! That's the point Ted was trying to make. IT'S JUST A GAME! It got a little heated and then finally, my brother walked away. He didn't need his son to hear anymore. The coach should have known better than to even say the things he did as my nephew sat there.
The game went on and on, with Theo's team falling further and further behind. The other team was going through their batting line-up again and again. Some boys even got to bat twice in one inning. Finally, after seeing his son on the bench for so long and the anger and frustration building up, Ted went over to the dugout one more time. He told Theo that he would have to go. He couldn't stand to see how they were treating Theo and he was going to make some phone calls to someone "higher up". He couldn't stick around because he was afraid of it getting too heated and he didn't want to cause trouble. Theo was ok with that, and my brother was on his way. As my brother walked away, the coach gave a big smile to his buddies, adding more salt to my wound. Theo's team would then take the outfield, and since my brother was gone, they put him back out onto the field. GRRRRRR!!!!! More salt!
Honestly, I am confused. I'm not sure what I should take from this experience. I know that some things never do change. I went through something similar when Trevor played ball. Baseball was his life. (His words!) He was mistreated and mis-coached (if that even is a word). It was because of his size. :( Eventually, Trevor did show them! The team rarely won a game, so the coach decided to have his own kind of fun and he let Trevor pitch, Trevor did pretty good! It eventually came to the point that when Trevor was up to bat, the other team's coach would tell the outfield to "back up". I am hoping that Theo gets the same chance one day and he really shows them what they've missed out on. He's a great kid, and a great ball player. I am very proud of him.
It's unfortunate that history does repeat itself. There will always be "those" coaches that play favorites and don't give others a chance. They are there to win, rather than teach the boys the fundamentals of the game and to make it a great experience, rather than destroy their self-esteem. It just breaks my heart. :(
I kept up with facebook while at the game and got many comments. When I got home, I hopped online to add to what had already had me fuming. I am so grateful for the friend that I have that offered their ears to me. One of my friends opened a chat box and we chatted some. I wasn't expecting to hear what she told me.....the class lists were posted at the elementary school. I was almost ready to tell her I had to go and I would've gone in the dark to look at the lists. I put in a request for my boys to be in the same class, and to have the teacher that I had in 2nd grade. Of course, I didn't want to cut my friend short (couldn't do that). The very next thing that she told me was that she saw my boys' names on the list........they are Mrs. Lewis' class!!! YAY!! My request was honored!!!
So many ups and downs in one day. I am so thankful for a happy ending. **By now, I'm sure anyone reading this is happy that I am finished......for now! ;)
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