Thursday, September 29, 2005

Good morning......

Dennis went to work, Trevor and Brad went to school. I'm waiting now, for Corey and Collin to get up. It's kind of nice to have a little peace and quiet in the morning. It's a little strange, the sounds that are muffled by their activity when they are awake. I can hear that the fish tank is in need of some water. I've been neglecting it so bad. It was supposed to be put back into the dining room the weekend after the new floor was put in, but it's still in it's "temporary" home, the kitchen. The floor has been done for a few weeks now. It's a 55 gallon tank and we want to give it a good cleaning before it gets put back, a weekend job, but we've been busy every weekend since, so it hasn't been done yet. This weekend looks good, so far, but I can't have Dennis carry the tank outside to the hose. I'll have to recruit Trevor to help me so it gets done.

I'll be more anxious today, for Dennis to get home. I can't wait to hear how his day went. I'm hoping that he doesn't come home early, either with pain, or that he's been fired. I really don't like the place that he works. I know that if he is given a hard time about being off, he'll tell them exactly what's on his mind, and he may get nasty enough to make them mad.

I'm hoping that today I will hear something from Domestic Relations. It's been 3 weeks (almost 4!) since I last got a child support payment from Trevor's father. We were supposed to have a hearing, but I decided to give the jerk the benefit of the doubt, and I "continued" the hearing. I'm too nice of a person, I guess, because since I did that, I've received nothing in support. Our hearing will now be on Oct. 21st, and I won't be as nice then.

Corey just came out, and wants Cheerios. It won't be too much longer, and Collin will be up too, and my noisy, crazy day will begin! Good Morning!

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