Monday, October 03, 2005

Off to a late start...

This morning, I over-slept a bit. Brad didn't miss the bus, but he had to rush to get dressed and ready for school. No time for breakfast, either. Luckily, this year, the school offers breakfast. I think Brad likes to eat breakfast at school. He never really was one for getting up and eating first thing. I'm hoping to get to bed a bit earlier tonight. I am tired right now, actually.

Sleeping late kind of messed me up for the whole day. I did get something accomplished, though. My laundry pile did get smaller!! WooHoo! I have a laundry room again! I actually started on it last night. I drug the ironing board out. I had to. Corey and Collin had a blast yesterday afternoon with my folded laundry. They dumped the baskets out and then threw the clothing all over. It was all wrinkled (I hate wrinkles!), and I didn't think "fluffing" it in the dryer would help, so I ironed the wrinkles out. I learned from this mistake, and today as it was folded, it got put away, right away!

Earlier tonight, I had a PTO meeting. As usual, nothing exciting. My excitement was just a few minutes before I had to leave. I was standing in the kitchen, looking out the window. I thought I saw something dark in the woods. Maybe a bear? No bear, but as I stood there, out of the woods came a deer. Then, a minute or so later, her babies came out too. They really aren't that small anymore, and if they are the same ones I've seen before, they really have grown! I love watching them, they are so beautiful!

Not long after they went back into the woods, it was time for me to leave for the meeting. I drove slowly down the road, because I knew they could still be close by. As I was going over the little bridge, I glanced out my window, and I could see the momma deer in the creek. I wish I would've had my camera ready. It would've been a beautiful shot! (Of course, I did have my camera with, it's with me ALL the time! It was buried in my purse, though.)

Corey and Collin were their usual selves today. ROWDY!! I don't know where they get their energy!! WOW!!! If I had even half of their energy, an no interruptions, my house would be spotless! Actually, it's because of their energy that my house looks like it does some days. Today, they decided that they are big enough to get their own drinks! My kitchen floor and table are so sticky! I know what I'll be doing tomorrow. :(

It's almost 11pm now, and I'm up much later than I would've liked. I can't oversleep tomorrow, so I'm going to bed now.

Goodnight! :)

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