Thursday, September 29, 2005

Good morning......

Dennis went to work, Trevor and Brad went to school. I'm waiting now, for Corey and Collin to get up. It's kind of nice to have a little peace and quiet in the morning. It's a little strange, the sounds that are muffled by their activity when they are awake. I can hear that the fish tank is in need of some water. I've been neglecting it so bad. It was supposed to be put back into the dining room the weekend after the new floor was put in, but it's still in it's "temporary" home, the kitchen. The floor has been done for a few weeks now. It's a 55 gallon tank and we want to give it a good cleaning before it gets put back, a weekend job, but we've been busy every weekend since, so it hasn't been done yet. This weekend looks good, so far, but I can't have Dennis carry the tank outside to the hose. I'll have to recruit Trevor to help me so it gets done.

I'll be more anxious today, for Dennis to get home. I can't wait to hear how his day went. I'm hoping that he doesn't come home early, either with pain, or that he's been fired. I really don't like the place that he works. I know that if he is given a hard time about being off, he'll tell them exactly what's on his mind, and he may get nasty enough to make them mad.

I'm hoping that today I will hear something from Domestic Relations. It's been 3 weeks (almost 4!) since I last got a child support payment from Trevor's father. We were supposed to have a hearing, but I decided to give the jerk the benefit of the doubt, and I "continued" the hearing. I'm too nice of a person, I guess, because since I did that, I've received nothing in support. Our hearing will now be on Oct. 21st, and I won't be as nice then.

Corey just came out, and wants Cheerios. It won't be too much longer, and Collin will be up too, and my noisy, crazy day will begin! Good Morning!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Today, Dennis stayed home from work again. He did say that the meds are helping with his back, but he's still going to take it easy, as ordered by the dr. He's going to go to work tomorrow morning, and he hopes to make it through the day with minimal pain. He's taking his meds tonight before bed, and wants to try to space them that he doesn't have to take them at work. He feels "funny" from them, and doesn't want to work or drive home like that. (I don't blame him, but at the same time, he's got to take them if he wants to get better!)

So, Dennis is feeling better, and here I am, feeling HORRIBLE!! I had a rough one today! I woke up feeling alright, got Brad off to school, and even chatted on the phone for 75 minutes with Angie. (That's a short call for us! lol) Not long after I hung up the phone, I went on the computer to check out a few things, and then it hit! I RAN to the bathroom.

I don't want to go into too much detail. (I'm sure you don't mind!) I've been having these HORRIBLE cramps in my stomach for most of the day. Around 7pm, I was very thirsty, since I didn't eat or drink anything all day. I got a glass of water, and had maybe 2 sips of it. The cramps came back! I wanted to cry! Normally, I can tolerate pain, but when I get a stomach bug, I'm a big baby! Earlier in the afternoon, I talked to Terry on the phone, and she said that her dad had the same thing this past weekend. It only lasted 24 hours for him. I'm soooo hoping that is the case for me too. I don't think I can take much more of this!

I did manage to get the dishes done today, but the rest of the house is another story. I didn't have the energy to stop the boys as they tore out most of their toys and scattered them around the house. Collin did help some and put some of them away, but he got too bored with that too quick, so hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to get it looking better in here!

I'm heading to bed now, in hopes that I will wake up tomorrow morning feeling "brand new"! I just hope that no one else in the house gets this!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Could use some prayers

Dennis just got back from the ER a few minutes ago. He's been suffering from terrible back pain for at least 3 weeks or more now. He says it's only been about 2 weeks, but I can remember hearing the moans and groans for much longer. The other night in bed, I heard a loud "crack" as he moved, followed by a moan. This wasn't the first time I've heard it, either.

They did an x-ray at the hospital, and found that the spaces between his vertabrae are worn. His 5th lumbar is twisted. He was given a few prescriptions and told NO WORK for 3 days, and he's to see a chiropractor. He is to stay active, but absolutely no lifting! We're not sure how, but he will get the prescriptions, he HAS to, and he's already informed me that he won't be staying home from work. He has no more vacation days left (today he is using the last one), and there's no way we'd be able to survive a week with only a two day pay. We'll be lucky if we can get through this week as it is.

I wish there were more that I could do for him. I've been praying for him, often. He can be so stubborn, and I will continue to pray and pray that he follows the dr's orders and we are able to afford the prescriptions.

Please, keep him and our family in your prayers. Thank you!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

It's been almost a week!!!

I told myself that I wouldn't do this! I wanted to keep up with this, but I've been so busy and so tired lately. I'm tired right now. I'm so tired of being tired!

Yesterday was a long day. I took some things to Chrissy's for her garage sale. I didn't do too bad, I really didn't have that much stuff, and I made $50. I got up earlier yesterday morning than I normally get up during the week. By the end of the day, I was exhausted!

This morning, I was up early again. I talked to Chrissy about going to church with her, and she said she'd call me back later that night to let me know what time she'd be leaving and if we'd drive together, etc. I never got the call. Little did I know, Trevor had the phone in his room and was using it most of the night. She tried calling, but didn't get through. Ugh!

I got up this morning, long before my alarm was set to go off. I couldn't sleep. I thought for sure that Chrissy would call me in the morning. I wasn't afraid that I wouldn't get up in time, I've been having a lot of trouble with sleep lately. Mostly because Dennis wakes me often. He doesn't mean to do it, but he moans and groans in his sleep. He's been having terrible back pain for weeks now, and he doesn't do anything about it. I don't want to think about it, but my mind always thinks the worst. What if it is something more than just back pain? He has one vacation day left, and he's talking about taking it tomorrow, and going to the dr. or ER. (He doesn't have the money to go to the dr. so he'll go to the ER and be billed). I have been, and continue to pray that it is something that can be treated with meds and/or therapy, or something. I hate to see him in so much pain.

Anyway, I got a little side-tracked there!

I was up and ready to go this morning. I called Chrissy around 8 am, but got her machine! I figured she was either in the shower, or changed her mind about going. I knew that she'd be helping my Aunt Linda the night before, and I thought maybe it took longer than she would've liked, and she was up too late and decided not to go. I left a message and told her to call me before 8:30 am if she was going. Any later than that, and I didn't think I'd be able to make it.

Finally, at 8:50 am, she called, and by then, it was too late. I would've never made it on time, so I didn't go. Not only that, I was cleaning up and had gotten pretty dizzy. There's no way I could drive like that, so I decided not to go. I thought of just going to where I went last week, but I wasn't sure if Aunt Betty would be there or not. Brandon is sick again, and if she couldn't get a sitter, she'd have to stay home with him. I don't have long-distance on my phone, so I couldn't even call her. I will have to wait until next week to go.

Time flew right by, and before I knew it, it was time to get ready to go to the "Beagle picnic". For the past few years, we've bought a ticket to go. Uncle Rusty belongs to the Eldred Beagle Club, and for the past few years, they've had a picnic to raise money for the club. It cost us $20 for our family to go. They have a Chinese Auction, kiddie cake walk, meat raffles, 50/50 money raffles, basket raffles, food, drinks, ice cream, and by purchasing a ticket, you have a chance to win money and door prizes.

This year, we did better than we'd ever done there! We won a ham, two cakes in the cake raffle, the younger 3 won stuff in the kiddie cake walk, 3 Chinese auction prizes, and a huge basket filled with Christmas decorations, candy, cd's, towels, etc.!! It was nice to finally go there and leave there with something! Corey and Collin cried that they didn't want to leave. They had a good time too, and I really can't complain about how they were. They were pretty good! There was a little play area for the kids, and a magician came and did some tricks and then made balloon animals, etc. for the kids. They had a blast!

It's just past 10:30 pm now, and they are still awake. I'm so tired, and I'm going to have to take them into bed now and hope they fall asleep before I do! I'm fighting to keep my eyes open, but they seem wide awake. Dennis just took them in now, and I'm heading in too.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Will he give me grandchildren?

Earlier tonight, Brad and I went to the Conference Center for Cub Scout registration night. I love going to scouts with him, and I really enjoy the ride to and from there. Bradley comes up with some real good ones! LOL

He has now decided that he will get married when he's older. For a little while, he wasn't going to get married because it costs too much. He used to say that if he got married, he'd have to spend more money on a bed, since he'd need a double, he'd have to buy more food, have kids (which are expensive), and his bills would be higher.

Tonight, he said he's going to get married, but he's making his wife get a job too. He won't have children so that his wife can work. I'm sure that he'll change his mind, eventually, well, I hope he does!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Busy day!

I shouldn't have waited so long to come here. I'm tired now and have a headache. I think the headache is from lack of sleep. I was up early today, and up way too late the night before.

Brief description of my day: (Imagine that, me keeping it brief! LOL)

Church (1st time in a very long time! I loved it!!)
Picked up toys in living room
Worked on Cub Scout pages
Took Brad to Tanner's party
Worked on Cub Scout pages
Picked Brad up from Tanner's party
Made supper
Went to Aunt Linda's
Checked e-mail
Came here!

I really enjoyed the visit at Aunt Linda's. Uncle Scott & Aunt Debbie come to visit every now and then from Indiana. I'd love to someday be able to visit them, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I love when all of my aunts and uncles get together. I love hearing the stories! I took Brad and Trevor with, but left Corey and Collin at home with Dennis. Next time they come, I'll take the little ones along. I'm not sure I could've handled them tonight. I'm exhausted!

I'm yawning as I type, and my eyes are burning. I'd better call it a night!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Need more hours in a day!

Today we went to Aunt Betty's house for Savannah's 5th birthday party. I'm amazed that there's still dirt in her back yard. My boys brought so much of it home with them! I gave them a bath before we went to the party. What a waste! They did have a great time, though! They always have a good time at Aunt Betty's house!

Tomorrow will be another busy day. I'm planning on going to church with Aunt Betty. It's something I've been wanting to do for so long. I've decided that I will go to church with her this Sunday, and next Sunday I hope to go with my sister, Chrissy, to the church that she goes to. I'd more or less like to "check them out", and see which one I feel most comfortable at, and then I'm hoping to get the boys into Sunday School.

After church, I'd like to get some pages done on the computer. Cub Scouts is having it's registration night on Monday night, and I was asked to make some more pages. I take so many pictures of the boys, and then I make "scrapbook" pages with them. I haven't put them in an actual book yet, but it's something I'm going to try and do. Everyone loved the pages I did last year, so that is why they ask me to do them.

Bradley will be going to his friend Tanner's house at 2pm for a birthday party. Tanner is one of his best friends. He and Tanner made a skateboarding video last year for a project that they were assigned to do. I never did get to see the video. It doesn't open on my computer, but I do have the disk. I'm hoping to one day get to see it!

Sunday night, at 6-6:30pm, I'll be going to Aunt Linda's house. Uncle Scott is in from Indiana for a visit. Uncle Scott is the youngest in my mom's family. I really love getting together with everyone. I love my family! Dennis will more than likely stay home, and I'm thinking of leaving at least my two youngest home with him. I need a little time to myself, and it's hard to enjoy a visit while chasing the boys around.

I wish, in a way, that there were 2 of me. At 6pm tomorrow night, the church "next door" is doing something that I know my boys would love. One of the pastor's boys brought a little paper to us about the night's activities. They're calling it "Fascar Racing". Each child is to bring a Hot Wheels or Matchbox car to race down a track. They'll award prizes and do other things too. I'd like to see them go, but I'm not sure what will happen yet. I can't be in two places at the same time.

I really should be in bed now, but I wouldn't have been able to sleep knowing that I didn't post. I'm determined to keep up with this! LOL

Tune in tomorrow.......

Friday, September 16, 2005

One I will keep up with

I'm hoping to keep up with this blog. I started one previously and wasn't keeping up with it. I didn't really like where the other one was going. I would "run" to that one mainly when I was feeling down. I'm still keeping the "old" one, and I'm keeping it private. That will be the one that I go to when I need to "vent". I'm going to try really hard with this one to keep it up to date, and I've decided to share this one with friends and family. I'm sure you already have an idea of what life is like in the Moyer household, and if you don't, this is a good place to start!

So, if you give me a minute, I'll quickly tidy up a bit and I'll get the toys off of the couch so you can sit down. As always, I apologize for the mess, but I'm going for the "lived in" look in my house. LOL
