Today is Monday. Need I say more? Well, yes, I guess I have to or you wouldn't understand what I'm talking about.
It started as a fairly "normal" day in the Moyer house. Having used up all of my snooze's I had to get out of bed. Brad was up and ready to go. We watched the morning news and weather and then he was off to school.
I had about 20 minutes before it would be time to wake Corey and Collin. I went to the laundry room and gathered their clothing that should have been put away yesterday. I watched some more news and some more weather, but don't quiz me on what I saw. I watch it and get nothing out of it. (This is every day of the week, not just Monday.)
I tried several times to wake the boys. Mondays are the hardest for me to get them up. I usually sing something silly to them to get them giggling and then, before long, they add to the silliness too. They're awake, and it works! ;)
Like any other day, I start off a sentence for them to finish (I do it at night, too). "Today is........" and they fill in the blanks. So, "Today is....Monday, Day 1 (school schedule), March 30th, etc., etc. ....and then I realized "Today is....Spring Picture Day!! Ack!!! I didn't plan out what they'd wear, I didn't get them haircuts like I had hoped to, and by this time we were running a little behind schedule!
The boys both chose stripped shirts. If we don't like the pictures, we don't have to buy them and we didn't have to put any money out up front, so I can deal with that. I told the boys we had to hurry. They came out to the dining room and made sure they had their backpacks loaded and lunch money for the week. (They even put a cute SpongeBob sticker on their envelopes for the lunch lady!) I told them it was time to brush their teeth and that they should brush them extra good today for their pitures. In true "Corey fashion", he pipes up with, "I don't have to brush my teeth. I'm not going to show them when I smile. Michael can smile without showing his teeth." Only Corey! Ugh.
They both went in the bathroom and really didn't take that long. I got my shoes on, since we were running out of time! We hurried out the door and down the driveway.
When we got to the end of the driveway, we noticed something on the road. A little possum (I'm pretty sure it's spelled with an "O", but I don't like it. lol My spelling rules!) We wanted to investigate, but didn't want to get too close. I remember Aunt Linda telling me about the one in her yard that she thought was dead, tongue sticking out and everything, that scurried away! So, we stayed in the yard, just behind the guardrail and we looked. It didn't look like it was breathing, but with the wind blowing it's hair, it was hard to tell. It didn't look squished, so we still weren't sure. Our investigation soon ended because the bus pulled up.
With the boys on their way to school, I got closer to the possum. The animal lover that I am, couldn't bear the thought of this poor thing being run over, over and over again. As I watched for cars and stood in the street over this little creature, I was sure he/she was dead. I headed back up the driveway, went into the garage, and got a shovel. Back down the driveway, into the street, and I slid the shovel under it. It didn't move, and it wasn't very "stiff". He/she was a fresh kill. It wasn't easy getting him/her onto my shovel and a truck drove by and slowed down. I could see that they were looking at me and I can only imagine what was going through their heads. LOL Possum on the shovel, I now had to decide what to do with it. I walked into the woods a bit and layed him/her down at the trunk of a small tree. I (honestly, I'm not joking) said a few words, "Rest in peace little guy, or girl", to be exact, and I headed back up to the house. I didn't put the shovel inside the garage because I figured Dennis might want to hose it off. It wasn't messy or anything, it's just the thought. Poor little thing must have died from internal injuries. There was so little blood.
By this time, it was probably close to 8:30 am. I was thinking I should probably go in for a shower, but decided that YoVille was more important. I was still mourning the loss of this little creature that I only knew for a short time and for none of his life.
Of course, YoVille turned into Bingo, and Bingo turned into other places on the internet. I would get my shower eventually. I called Lois to see how Miranda was doing. I learned the night before that she was in Lehigh Valley Hospital with 2nd degree burns. We chatted for a little bit and then I let her go so she could get back to the hospital.
I'm not sure what time I called, but then I got my daily call in to my mom. We speak to each other often on the phone. She cracks me up sometimes! LOL I get my great sense of humor from her, I'm sure. We were talking about Jon & Kate Plus Eight. I was on the couch, looking out of my front window. I'm not sure why, but I then looked down at my feet. I was wearing TWO DIFFERENT SHOES!!! Just then, my cell phone rang and I knew it was very close to noon. Dennis calls me every day on his lunch break. I had Mom on my left ear and Dennis on the right. I had to tell them both about my discovery. LOL All mom could do was laugh. I know that I probably got that trait from her too! LOL Dennis asked about Miranda, I told him and he said he'd talk to me when he got home. Mom and I talked a little longer and then she had to go since she wasn't getting anything done either.
I had several more phone calls, and then finally, around 1pm I was finally headed for the shower. The shower went well, without incident. Well, except for the fact that Trevor had taken a shower a little earlier and used MY favorite towel! LOL
I did a little picking up before it was time to get the boys from school. We got home and we took a walk down to the woods so they could see the possum. (I wouldn't allow them to go into the street to see it, especially since we weren't sure that it was dead.) Of course, Corey did an, "Awwww, poor little thing". Corey is my compassionate one. And Collin, well, he wanted to poke at it with a stick! ****Shiver**** We looked at it in amazement. It's feet almost looked like hands and it's tail looked like canvas or maybe a rope. Part of it was gone. Then, we saw something just under the tail a bit. OH MY GOSH!! It was a "mamma" and it had a baby sticking out!! I then got a stick and moved the tail a It was not a "mamma possum" at all. **clear throat** It was a little "boy possum".
The rest of the day went on pretty much the same as any other. Phone ringing almost non-stop, the boys fighting and trying to come up with excuses not to do their homework, and me trying to get supper done.
What a day.....What a MONDAY!!
I loved reading about your day, and the shoes, too funny! I love the fact that you were talking to two people on two different phones at the same time!! Tammy, someday we will meet. :)
You never know, we could someday meet. That will be one happy day!! :)
Oh my word! Thanks for the small glimpse into your day!
The boy possum part was the best! lol
LOL Vicki, I have many days like this. I just wish I could keep up and blog them!
I was feeling so sorry for that poor possum already and that would've just made it worse.
(RIP little guy!)
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