Ted, if you are reading this, YES, Brad did wear his red "hoodie". LOL When we got to the SPU, Brad was given a room and instructed to put on a gown. He answered questions for the nurses and was excited about getting an IV put in. My son is strange. LOL I love him, regardless, but I do have to say that he is not like his mom when it comes to IV's and blood draws. (I always turn my head away and can't watch it being done!)
Dr. Wakstein came in and talked to us for a bit and it was soon time to head to the OR. I walked beside Brad's bed into the room where they prep you for the OR. We answered some questions for the anesthesiologist and Brad was starting to feel sleepy. He dozed off for a minute or two and woke up. Dr. Wakstein asked Brad if he knew what was going to be happening in a few short minutes, to which Brad replied, "an adenoidectomy" (the dr. and nurses found it amusing that he used that term lol). Dr. Wakstein then joked and told Brad that he thought he was giving him breast implants. Brad, half-asleep, gave a smile. Dr. W is a character! LOL He's very professional but has a sense of humor too!
I sat in that room for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Dr. W came and got me and told me a nurse was supposed to come and get me. They didn't know where I was. Dr. W and I chatted for a bit on the way back to Brad's room.
When I went into Brad's room, I was expecting to see a very groggy boy, but he wasn't. He looked good and was anxious to show me that he could breathe through his nose. He was in no pain. (Thank you, God.) Trevor was scheduled to work today, so he stopped up to see his brother before his shift started (so sweet!). Since Brad was doing so good, I asked Trevor to go with me over to Aunt Karen's office so I could have my pic taken with her. He snapped a pic, talked to Aunt Karen, walked me back over to Brad, and then went to work.
I raced out to the school, got the boys and went back to the hospital. Brad was getting dressed and no long after we were on our way. I couldn't wait to get home.
It's almost 9pm now, and Brad finally hung up the phone. He talked to his friend, Blake, from the time he got home until just a few minutes ago. He is in no pain and is feeling good. I, on the other hand, am worn out. lol I wish I could've came home and stayed here, but tonight Corey and Collin had scouts.
Now, I am home, will stay home and don't plan on leaving until tomorrow afternoon when I get the boys from school again. Whew!
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