Monday, August 06, 2007

Never a dull moment..

The day started off with me thinking I woke up very early. Dennis was still in the bed. I got up and looked at the was 8:30am. I let him sleep and started my day.

As it turns out, Dennis woke up this morning and his face was VERY swollen. He didn't want to wake me, but was a bit worried (and freaked out!) so he went to the ER. When I saw him, his lips were still pretty big and I could see that his nose and cheeks looked a little "odd". So, anyway, the ER told him it was probably some type of allergic reaction. To what, we don't know? He was at the hospital for a little while, they gave him something in an IV. He was given 2 prescriptions and told to take Benedryl. He was NOT to drive to or go to work today.

I called the school to find out why Corey and Collin would need Prep-K. It pretty much boils down to maturity, or their lack of it. Corey did a little better than Collin and was borderline for regular Kindergarten. They'll have to go to Shull David. :( So, now, it all depends on what happens in the first five weeks of school. They will be re-evaluated and if they do good, they will go to Mahoning for "regular" Kindergarten.

Mr. Blakeslee brought something else to my attention that I hadn't even thought of. If Corey continues to do well, and Collin doesn't, they will advance Corey to Kindergarten, but Collin will stay in Prep. They will stay at Shull David to keep them together. Then, next year, Corey will move on to 1st grade, Collin would go to Kindergarten at Mahoning. Yes, they'd still be twins, but they'd be a year apart in school. I'm not sure what that would do to Collin's self-esteem? All I can do is hope that it doesn't happen that way!

The rest of the night was going alright. Same old, same old. That is..... until......Corey tripped over a boot in the dining room. He fell and went face-first into a container (holds the play-doh stuff). When he came over to me, I thought he knocked his tooth out. It wasn't there, as far as I could tell. I'm not good at blood or gore, so I ran into the bedroom and woke poor Dennis up. (He handles gore, and I handle pukes and poops! ;) ).

Upon closer inspection, Dennis discovered that the tooth was still in there, but it was shoved up his gums!!! YIKES!!!! He told me to call the ER and see what I should do. So, I made the call. They told me there was really nothing they could do since there is no dentist there. They couldn't give me any advice without seeing him, so they let it up to me to decide if I wanted to take him in. I decided we'll just call the dentist in the morning. Dennis gave him tylenol for the pain, and he took it like a real trooper! He went back to playing on the computer and then went to bed without any complaints. Poor kid. :(

I've been in such a "funk" lately, and really didn't need so much trauma in one day. I'm tired and just want to have a good cry and go to bed.

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