Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A twinism......

I overheard a conversation between Corey and Collin tonight. Corey was asking Collin what would happen if one baby is born at 11pm and then the other at 1am? He didn't say it in so many words, but I think what he was getting at was, would they still be considered twins? They then began to talk about Dennis and me. I'm not sure if they see us as twins too, or maybe even siblings? lol Dennis and I are pretty close in age, born the same year and about 3 weeks apart. Because of the closeness in age, I think that is why they think we have to be somehow "related" to each other? I often wondered when they were so small what they'd think of them being twins or if it would even mean anything at all to them. It's quite obvious that they know that they are twins themselves and kind of neat that they talk about their "twin-ness".

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