Monday, September 08, 2008

My two little Tiger Cubs

Tonight I took the boys to register for Cub Scouts. They've enjoyed going to functions and events when their big brother Brad was a Cub. I enjoy scouting just as much as the boys do and I was looking forward to this day.

Needless to say, I am now glad that we are at home and registration night is done. I missed out on most of it.

First, the Cubmaster spoke to the parents all about the pack, den, etc. All stuff that I remembered from when Brad was a cub. Then, it was time for the parents of the new cubs to get together and decide who would lead, where and when we would meet, etc.

That's when things got just a bit hectic..........The boys were playing with the other new scouts. They are friends with all of them, since they all attend the same school. Corey came over to me with red cheeks from playing, but he was also holding his hand near his mouth. He told me he had to "throw up". YIKES!!! I held my hand under his mouth because I didn't want anything to get on the carpeted floor. We made it to the bathroom and I got him all cleaned up.

I headed back to the parents to try and catch up on the discussion that I'd missed and they were telling me what they talked about when Collin came running over to me. Collin's hand was at his face, too, but he didn't have to vomit. His nose was bleeding. As soon as one of the dads saw this, he almost turned as white as a ghost. (I'm guessing he can't handle the sight of blood?)

I took Collin to the bathroom and it seemed like his nose just didn't want to stop bleeding. I couldn't take him back out to the others until it was done bleeding, especially after seeing that poor man's face.

Finally, Collin's nose stopped bleeding and we went back, only to find that all of the parents that I was to talk with had already left. The Cubmaster was still there with her son and he was playing with Corey. I bought 2 Tiger Cub books and we headed home. I'd had more than enough for one night. *sigh*

The boys are so excited about the next meeting. I'm not sure that I am. LOL

Oh, I almost forgot! The boys did earn a "map & compass" belt loop tonight. They were so proud and excited to show me the maps they made.

Both boys with their maps, books, and belt loops.


Collin (blood stains and all!)

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