Friday, June 06, 2008

School Days

Today was the last day of school. For Trevor, it was the VERY last, for Corey and Collin it was their last day of Kindergarten, and for Brad, his last day of 6th grade. I can't believe how quickly the time is flying right by, each year, speeding by faster and faster. I can't imagine the day that the youngest two finish High School. It's just so surreal.

Of course, I took the boys' pictures the first day of school, on August 27, 2007 so that I could have a comparison. For fun, Corey and Collin wore the same thing for the last day that they did for the first day.



The boys gave their teacher flowers for an end of the year "Thank You" gift and they gave their bus driver a gift certificate for 2 free car washes at a local car wash.



What you can't see in the pic is that Brad's voice is changing. lol



Congrats Trevor! Would've been nice if you could've shaved! ;) You know we still love you, hairy-faced or not! We're so proud of you!

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