Friday, May 23, 2008

Kindergarten Field Day

Today was the 17th Annual Kindergarten Field Day at Corey & Collin's school. The boys and girls competed separately in a few different events. Collin came home today with five ribbons (3 second place and 2 third place), and Corey brought home two (a second place and a third place). It was so cute to watch. All of the kids had a great time and they were all rewarded for their good sportsmanship with a freeze pop. Here are just a few pics:

Sebastian and Corey in the Hula Hoop Race

Austin (he's so adorable!) in the Bean Bag Throw

All of the boys in the Ostrich Race

A nice "air" shot of C&C in the Frog Hop Race

Corey, Austin, and Collin
The whole class
The whole class making silly faces

Collin enjoying a freeze pop

Corey enjoying a freeze pop

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