As the Akelas (parent partners) to our little Tiger Cubs, we wanted to make our Den meetings as interesting and as fun as possible for our boys. We don't want them to lose interest because if they do, a meeting can quickly get out of control. Keeping things on a 6-7 year old level and keeping 7 boys busy, so far, isn't all that bad.
The Tiger Cubs
front:Corey, Aiden,
back:Michael, Jack, John, Roger, and Collin
For our first meeting as Tigers, we worked on earning our "Let's Go Outdoors" Achievment. We took a hike around the golf course and identified a few trees and we collected some leaves to be used in a project when we got back to the church (our meeting place).
When we got back to the church, Michael's dad had a project ready for the boys. They made pine cone bird feeders. After that was all cleaned up, the boys did leaf rubbings and we put them in their scrapbooks. It was a full and fun meeting and all of the boys could not wait for the next meeting! Mission Accomplished!
Ready to make pine cone feeders

Collin working on his leaf rubbing.

Corey working on his leaf rubbing.

Leader Jim reviewing what we learned tonight.