Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ho Hum

I don't like that I don't get to blog very much lately. I get so tired at night (like now...ugh) and I mean to post more often, but I don't. I hope to do some updating soon.

Tonight, I will share a scrapbook page that I did a few weeks ago. I will update and post the credits soon. Somehow, I lost the paper that I wrote them on.

Credits: Template by Tami from TemplateScrapallye Spattered Stripes Background and Pitch That Sofa Background by Suzanne C. Walker (DSP) Font: Highland Perk

(BTW, my brother, Ted, and I are still very close but we don't run around in diapers anymore. lol) I love ya, Big Brother! :)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


This morning, Corey and Collin were up early. I didn't have to wake them. (That's unusual!) I was doing my own thing, folding laundry, when Corey came into the laundry room with a question for me. He asked me how old I would be when he was 18. I'm not one for math, especially so early in the morning, so without much thought, I just told him 50. He was fine with that answer so we let it go at that. He then told me that Trevor is 18, so he's old enough to be married. He then walked into the kitchen to his brother.

Corey told Collin that Trevor is 18 and he's old enough to get married. Collin added that when Trevor was 17, he could have had a girlfriend and then marry her at 18. Corey agreed and then asked Collin if he would get married when he was 18. Collin said, "yes". Corey then asked him, "Who would you marry"? I couldn't wait to hear the answer, it was such a cute conversation. Collin responded with, "Mom". To which Corey replied, "You can't marry Mom! She'll be 5o!"

My sweet little boys are just too much. LOL I still laugh just thinking about it. They will make fine husbands one day, but let's not rush it! :)

Thursday, October 02, 2008

A patriotic song with a little buzz....

Just before his shower tonight, Collin was telling us that at school, every day, his class says The Pledge of Allegiance and then they sing a song. When he told us the title of the song we held in our laugh until he was down the hallway and we anxiously awaited his return so he could sing to us. What song did he sing?............

"My Country Tis A Bee"

It was the most beautiful rendition of "My Country Tis of Thee" that we've ever heard. (We also enjoyed the sweet land of liverty part!)

He's just so darn cute! :)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

First Den Meeting as Tiger Cubs

As the Akelas (parent partners) to our little Tiger Cubs, we wanted to make our Den meetings as interesting and as fun as possible for our boys. We don't want them to lose interest because if they do, a meeting can quickly get out of control. Keeping things on a 6-7 year old level and keeping 7 boys busy, so far, isn't all that bad.

The Tiger Cubs

front:Corey, Aiden,

back:Michael, Jack, John, Roger, and Collin

For our first meeting as Tigers, we worked on earning our "Let's Go Outdoors" Achievment. We took a hike around the golf course and identified a few trees and we collected some leaves to be used in a project when we got back to the church (our meeting place).

When we got back to the church, Michael's dad had a project ready for the boys. They made pine cone bird feeders. After that was all cleaned up, the boys did leaf rubbings and we put them in their scrapbooks. It was a full and fun meeting and all of the boys could not wait for the next meeting! Mission Accomplished!

Ready to make pine cone feeders



Collin working on his leaf rubbing.

Corey working on his leaf rubbing.

Leader Jim reviewing what we learned tonight.