I'm not talking about that annoying song. I've neglected my blog again. I'm so bad with this sort of thing. It doesn't help, either, that I am technically challenged. My blog isn't very pleasing to the eye, but I barely have time to post, let alone add pics and such. I will have to work on that!!
Let's see, what's happened in the Moyer household since my last entry??? A LOT!!! It would take me all night to post it all, so I'll just have to pick up where I left off, and when I have nothing else to say, I'll throw in an update.
Tomorrow is day 3 of Trevor's first job! He's working at the hospital in the kitchen and so far, he likes it. He turned 16 on Feb 24th, but he still hasn't gotten his driver's license or permit. We're going to wait on that for a little while. He's got some maturing to do. (He's not happy about that, but I'm the mom!)
For the past four weeks, Bradley has been taking flute lessons. He joined the "summer band" program at the middle school. Friday we'll see just how much he and the other students learned. They'll be performing a concert for their families. I can't wait! He chose to play the flute and if he likes it, he can join the Middle School band. We shall see!!
Corey and Collin are growing up so fast. They are up to their same old tricks and getting smarter and smarter. I am amazed at how much trouble they can get into in so little time. They're excited about next week. We'll (Bradley, Corey, Collin, and I) be going to Cub Scout Day Camp out at the lake for the week. I'm going as an adult volunteer, and Corey and Collin are going as "Pixies". (Pixies are too young for scouting). It should be a great experience for us all. I'm sure we'll all have a great time! I'll be updating!!
Dennis has had his ups and downs, been laid off from his job, and then thankfully, found another job. Unemployment just wasn't cutting it. He went back to Monocacyfabs, and some days is glad to be back, although he works so much harder there than he did at the last place. Three weeks ago, he quit smoking!! YAY!!!
My brother moved in last month and will be staying for this month yet. He worked at the same place as Dennis and was laid off too. Just today, he went for his 2nd interview at Blue Ridge Pressure Castings and he'll be starting in a week or so. Congrats, Ted!!
Well, I think that's enough for now. I've got to get to bed!! Goodnight, I'll be back tomorrow. :)